
位于悉尼的设计工作室Mathieson Architects创立2010年。其核心理念是强烈的规模感、形式感和材料感,并强调精细细节的空间,以超越不断变化的时尚。设计总监phillip mathieson致力于创造一种基于现代主义原则的设计,永恒而严谨。这种设计哲学的核心是强烈的规模、形式和材料,并强调精确详细的空间建造比改变时尚。


Mosman House

极致 纯粹 空灵


Mosman House位于悉尼海港北部,拥有无敌海景与自然风光。设计的重点是最大程度地欣赏海港景色,同时创建宽敞明亮的家庭住宅,并设有隐私和娱乐区。该地点位于中国人海滩海湾,对面是曼利(Manly),中间是中间港口(Middle Harbour)和克朗塔夫(Clontarf)。Mathieson Architects旨在通过引入大型落地窗来创造宽敞的室内环境,以捕获全天的光线移动。该工作室还希望营造一种安静的氛围,并带有更暗的对比。

Mosman House is located in the north of Sydney harbor, unrivaled views and natural scenery. Design is the focus of the maximum appreciate harbour, at the same time create a spacious family home, and is equipped with privacy and entertainment district. The site is located in the Chinese bay beach, opposite is Manly, Manly, Middle is intermediate port (Middle Harbour) and crown tufts (business). Mathieson Architects aimed at by introducing a large French window to create a spacious indoor environment, to capture the light mobile throughout the day. The studio also wants to build a kind of quiet atmosphere, with darker contrast.


Red Hill Home

开放 自然 优雅

位于澳大利亚堪培拉的Red Hill房子,以最简约的形式呈现奢华。Mathieson建筑师将目光投向了一个简单的构图,该构图统一了家庭住宅中的建筑,室内设计和景观。Mathieson Architects搬迁了堪培拉物业上现有的两层楼房屋,为已解决的相对应的房屋腾出了空间,该房屋可以展开到其公园般的环境中。通过专注于受约束的调色板,团队将房屋的流动感和规模感置于基座上,优先考虑内部和外部的体验。

Mathieson Architects present luxury in its most minimalist form with their Red Hill house in Canberra, Australia.Mathieson Architects set their eyes on a simple composition that unified architecture, interiors and landscape in a family home. Removing an existing two-storey home on the Canberra property, Mathieson Architects have made way for a well-resolved counterpart that unfolds out onto its park-like setting. By focusing on a restrained palette the team have put the home’s sense of flow and scale on a pedestal, prioritising experiences both internally and externally.

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